☙  Notes from the Studio ❧

Okay, here is my re-creation of the drawing that I gave to Clare Danes. This drawing is much smaller and bit more refined as I knew it was going to be used as the cover to the new hardcover edition of Stardust that DC/Vertigo will be publishing next March. In a few weeks, a little closer to the actual deadline, I’ll lightly outline these pencils in ink and then build up the image into a full color painting with multiple washes of transparent FW inks.


This edition will have, along with all of the contents of the original book, end paper designs that feature a new version of the Fairy Market as well as a 16 page section of bonus material which will include five newly drawn images that I was unable to include in the previous edition due to text and deadline constraints. A sixth image from a possible prequel that is on a far-in-the-future horizon for Neil and myself will also be included. Whether these six images will make it into finished paintings in time for their inclusion is dependent on my many and varied deadlines. They will, however be available next summer as the last plates in the deluxe portfolio of Stardust prints that I’ve been producing for a number of years.

Here’s that new Fairy Market image. As soon as I figure out how to click and enlarge I will do so. But for now here it is in minature.

(Now also in the larger version – click on the image to open the “Fairy Market”. Click on your “back” button to return here, as there’s no other way out of the Fairy Market!
webmistress jill)



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0 thoughts on “”

  1. Hello Charles

    Beautiful stuff. You know, I just whined to Greg Ketter that there’s this conspiracy going on. It seems that every great author / illustrator is putting out all kinds of gorgeous HC editions of things right now or in the near future. I should’ve known that YOU were in it too! I think I may have to start planning a bank robbery or some other way to raise some extra money, dammit!



  2. Hi Charles, Beautiful images!! Can’t wait to see a bigger version of the market – on my tiny laptop it is REALLY small. The previous photos were alot of fun as well – Scotland sounds wonderful, I would love to travel to Europe. We are all looking forward to seeing Stardust! Hang on to that portfolio…..

  3. Absolutely fantastic stuff, Charles. Well, I was always going to buy the new hardcover anyway, but now there’s tons more reasons to do so now – and a prequel too – joy! This is really great news indeed.

    March can’t come soon enough! 🙂

  4. It looks like we (my web mistress and I) will have fathomed the mysteries of clicking on the Fairy Market image, or any image really and bringing up a screen with a much larger scan by the end of the weekend. This blog has been built from scratch and isn’t a standard blogger format, so it isn’t quite as easy to adjust but there is so much more control this way.

    There are lots of ‘significant’ figures in the market place that you’d never be able to find at the moment. Once we can enlarge it I’ll point you toward Neil, myself, Totoro, Kiki, etc.

    Anyway, for my color work, I use a 4 ply Strathmore drawing paper. Thick and sturdy enough to withstand lots of erasing as well as multiple color washes and not buckle too much.


  5. Yes, Scott, after I’ve finished painting the image, it will indeed be a oversized, signed and numbered print from Green Man Press available sometime next year. Keep checking okay?


  6. Can’t wait to see the Market in color!!
    It’s beautiful!
    Also can’t wait for Stardust to come out. Looks good so far? Is it going to have a limited release? Or widespread?

    Grant Publisher, Inc.


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