Notes from the Studio

Category: Studio Notes

Stardust the movie

I thought that I should let everyone know that the first, official trailer for the Stardust movie went live on Yahoo.Com this weekend. Here’s the link: I don’t know about you but I want to see all of it as soon as possible. I’m very excited! Also, the website for the movie is now up and running with lots of pretty pictures. Over the next few months be sure to check back as there will be lots more content uploaded. I will be a guest (along with Charles de Lint) at MiniCon in Minneapolis over the weekend of April 6-8 where I will be, among other events, displaying some of my new Stardust art as well as presenting a panel on the movie (w/ the trailer, lots and lots of stills and whatever else Paramount sees fit to send me). I hope that I see you there. Best, Charles

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Coyote Road interior Art

After several very long weeks at the studio I’ve completed 28 b/w drawings for the “Coyote Road” anthology that will be released in June from Viking. This is the third in a series of short story collections that feature mythic themes, each of which are edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling. The first two, ‘The Green Man’ and ‘The Faery Reel’ won numerous awards both as a collection and as individual stories and I expect that this one will too. Several months ago I posted the cover art for this book, so now here are a few of the interior illustrations. First, the title page art: Then several of the interior pieces: From ‘God Clown’ by Carol Emshwiller From ‘The Dreaming Wind’ by Jeffrey Ford. From ‘The Evolution of Trickster Stories Among the Dogs of North Park After the Change’ by Kij Johnson. From ‘The Senorita and the Cactus Thorn’ by Kim Antieau. From ‘The Constable of Abal’ by Kelly Link. From ‘The Other Labrynth’ by Jedediah Berry. The stories are set in varied cultures and time periods and so quite a bit of reference and research had to be applied to each image. The authors, Charles de Lint,

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Stardust Rising Exhibition

From June until September of this year I’ll be mounting an exhibition of my Stardust art at the the William King Regional Art Museum in their premium exhibition space. A LOT of people will be seeing the exhibition and I want to put my best ‘face’ forward. So I’m looking for various pieces of Stardust original art that I’ve sold over the years and would like to borrow that art back for this show. The names of the donors will be included in various publications concerning the exhibit as well as being on the identifying labels themselves. In particular I’m looking for these full page illustrations: (All page numbers refer to the trade paperback edition) 1. (page 46) The couple on the hill (with the Village of Wall in the background) beside a tree looking up at the falling star. *Found* Thank you Daniel Lang! 2. (page 52) Tristran in his bowler hat entering the deep woods surrounded by various fairy types. 3.Cover art to mini #2 with all of the Lords of Stormhold floating in the air around the dark rocks of Stormhold. *Found* Thank you Scott Schaffer . 4.(Pg #96 -97) The two pages of multiple panels with

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Modern Masters Vol. #11

I just got word from the fine folks at Two Morrows publications that their Modern Masters, Vol. #11 which features an extensive interview covering my entire career (at least so far) and packed to the ceiling with art (including a color gallery section) will be available at fine comic shops everywhere by the end of this month. Here’s the cover: The 120 page trade paperback concentrates on my work in the comics field. My work for Heavy Metal, Epic Illustrated, The Warriors Three, Spider-man, Sandman, Swamp Thing and The Books of Magic are all featured as well as a bit on both the book and the movie versions of Stardust. And here’s a link to an excerpt from that interview and a few images (as well as some viewers comments) on the Newsarama web magazine: My other big news is that later this year (August), Dark Horse Books will be publishing, ‘Drawing Down the Moon, The Art of Charles Vess’ a 200 page, harcover book focusing on my careeer in illustration. For the past month I’ve been busy assembling over 200 images that run the gamut from work done in High School up until last week. Lots and lots

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Yvaine Final repaint

This is the final repaint on the Yvaine staue that DC will be releasing this summer. For those of you that might be interested, my entire design and sculptural process is just one post below. The base and ‘pool’ that you see here only serve as place and shape holders and will be eventually replaced by much more aesthetically pleasing materials in China where it will be manufactured. The entire piece measures approximately 12 x 12 x 11″. “Conversations with the Moon” as I’ve title it can be ordered right now, in the currently in-a-comic-book-shop-near-you Diamond Previews catalog. Go on, you know you want this on a shelf in your home. It seems that last fall and continuing throughout this year that a lot of my energies have been directed towards sculpture. Dark Horse is producing another piece of mine that I’ll be happy to show you when its a bit further along. And the 16 foot bronze sculpture based on ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ is  comming right along (I’ll be posting about that one very soon).  Its very exciting, to say the least, exploring these new artistic avenues. Enjoy! Charles

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